Welcome to Silk & Art

lotus_flower cropped 1I’m so excited to be able to welcome you to my brand new site. It has been a long time in the making but the wait has been so worth it.

This is a completely new look. I decided to completely let go of what most of the older site represented and go for something clean, contemporary and easy to navigate.

At last I have everything under one roof which makes it easy for you to find what you are looking for.

So first of all, huge thanks to Michael, the patient and talented webdesigner (who also happens to be my husband) for putting all of my requests into action here. It’s so lovely not to be restricted to the structure laid down by any of the other sites out there which offer artists space to share their artwork.

I’m going to be using this blog to share posts related specifically to my artwork and the main blog – Inspired Art and Living – will continue to share everything that I do including my ongoing spiritual reflections.

I’m also going to be making a video to guide you through what you can find on this site and I will be posting that in the ‘Home’ section. Hopefully through linking backwards and forwards we can help al of you to get to where you want to be. If not, do ask at any time and we’d be only too happy to help out.

So having said that I’m off to continue adding items to this site so that you have a fuller experience when you come to visit. I hope you will subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on the Silkandart Facebook Page  to keep up to date with my daily excursions.

Note: if you like the look of my new site and would like something created just for you, you can send an email to Michael and ask for a quote. Thanks.

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